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Understanding the Ingredient Labels on Food

Soy Lecithin – an emulsifier that prevents the separation of fat from the mixture

Isolated Oat Product – dietary fiber that holds water to keep meat mixture soft and chewy

Maltodextrin – starch degraded into chains of sugar that add flavor and prevent separation

Silicon Dioxide – finely ground pure sand – added to many products including table salt – that makes the mixture easier to pour

Imitation– a substitute that resembles another food but is nutritionally inferior

Fresh – unprocessed; the food is in its raw state;

Fresh Frozen and Frozen means that the food was quickly frozen while still fresh

Light – contains a certain fraction- depending on the fat content of an appropriate reference food – of fat

Excellent Source of – contains 20% or more of the reference daily intake amount customarily consumed

Fortified – contains at least 10% more of recommended daily amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, dietary fiber or potassium than a reference food


Branding Wars: 

Juicy Juice 100% Juice – all juice, but what kind? Many Juicy Juice varieties are actually blends of several fruit juices

Canada Dry Sparkling Green Tea Ginger Ale – the FDA recently challenged the labels claims about its anti-oxidant content

McDonalds Fruit and Maple Oatmeal – Vermont recently took issue with the lack of real maple syrup in this breakfast item

Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats Blueberry Muffin – “blueberry-flavored crunchlets” wouldn’t have quite the same ring to it.


Source: Time Magazine, Steven Gray, Jan 2011



Laws of Healing and Disease

Herrings Law of Cure: the body heals from the inside out and from the top down and in the reverse order that the symptoms appeared.


  • There is only one basic disease and that is a disruption of the life force in our body. It can be caused by stress, toxicity, malnutrition or by how you feel and think.


  • Germs do not cause disease but rather they seek tissues and conditions conducive to their growth. They are a symptom just like other conditions are symptoms and not the root cause of a disease.


  • We don't catch disease, we create them by breaking down the natural defenses according to the way we eat, drink, think, feel and live.



Lifestyle Changes


Adding clean water to your daily regimen can be one of the simplest changes to make. It is important to look at the source of the water to be certain that we are not introducing more toxins into the body.



The next change involves pure air. There are many air filters and finding the right one can be quite a feat. Many people cover their skin when using hazardous materials but don't think about the load of toxins entering the body through the lungs. It has been well documented that the moment you smell a toxin, it has already entered the bloodstream. For every toxic product there is a non-toxic product that can be purchased.



  Pure food is the next order of business after water and air. There are many debates about     which are the cleanest sources of food. Through bio energetic assessments, we can          determine which foods are actually nourishing and which ones are actually xenobiotics or  antibiotics. For starters, it is best to recommend organic foods. There is lots of research to    back up the extra nutrition that can be obtained through consuming organic over  conventional foods. If organic is not accessible, the next form of food would be natural  foods that are minimally processed. Four types of foods that should be avoided are  synthetic, chemically preserved, irradiated and genetically altered. These foods are often  found in packages. Your best bet is to shop the outer perimeter of the grocery store and to  choose organic or natural when available. Some foods to be avoided are refined sugar,  coffee, alcohol, pork, refined flours, chocolate, and carbonated soft drinks. Each of these  takes their to" on a body in crisis. Sugar takes effect in the immune system within 15  minutes of ingestion. It slows the white blood cell's ability to cleanse the body 80%, and  this continues for some 6 hours after ingestion. Soda pulls minerals from the body's  reserves in order to metabolize this poison.



Negative thoughts resulting from negative emotions such as anger, hate, envy, etc., are a form of toxicity. For many people, negative thoughts and emotions are automatic. They have been shown to alter pH balance. There are physiological changes that happen, such as tensing up the muscles and altering breathing patterns. With this, lymphatic flow is altered. We can offer support through custom flower essence formulas and neurotransmitters, but ultimately there has to be a change of heart.

Herbs and Fruits

Kiwi: good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E and fiber. Its Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.


Apple: It has antioxidants and flavonoids which enhance the activity of Vitamin C, thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack and stroke


Strawberry: have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits and protect the body from cancer causing, blood vessels-clogging free radicals


Orange: taking 2-4 daily may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol prevent and dissolve kidney stones as well as lessons the risk of colon cancer


Watermelon: packs a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost the immune system. They are a thirst quencher composed of 92% water, a key source of lycopene – the cancer fighting antioxidant as well as containing Vitamin C and potassium


Guava and Papaya: high Vitamin C content. Guava is rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene, which is beneficial to the eyes. 


Coughing – Rosemary


Menstrual Cramps – oregano (2 tsp. daily during cycle)


Upset GI Tract – Dill (great for killing harmful intestinal bacteria such as E Coli)


Congested – Cayenne


Always Tired – Cilantro (removes toxic build-up)


Crampy Tummy – Mint


Achy Joints – Curry Powder


Bloated – Parsley


Feeling Down – Basil


Nauseous - Ginger






Complex Carbs



• Bread, cereal, potatoes, rice, pasta, legumes (dried peas and beans)


• Bran, whole-grain foods, raw veggies and fruits (especially seeds and skin), popcorn, legumes, nuts, seeds

Carbs that will not burn fat

• Orange juice, granola, whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals, crackers


Carbs that will burn fat

• Sprouted grain bread, rice, millet, spelt, quinoa, sweet potatoes, all fruits and veggies

Good fats that will burn fat

• Real butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, raw nuts, whole eggs

Bad fats that store fats

• Hydrogenated oils, canola oil, margarine, butter substitutes


No processed foods

• Processed soy products

• Artificial sweeteners

• High fructose corn syrup

• All fructose

• Hydrogenated oils

• Inhibits liver from breaking down fat


Vitamin D

So you can build stronger bones... fight off colds...limit joint pain... support your heart... have healthy eyesight... and more...


I've been saying for a long time how crucial Vitamin D is for you. But don't take my word for it.  There are hundreds of studies to back me up. These studies show that:


Vitamin D

  • regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorous in your body. So you can maintain stronger bones. 

  • strengthens the blood cells around your retina. So you support your eyesight. 

  • helps limit joint pain. So you can have less pain in your knees.

  •  boosts your immune system. So you can avoid colds and flu.

  •  supports your heart. So you protect the most important muscle in your body.

  •  plays a crucial role in keeping your body strong, full of vigor and more resistant to disease.



They really are incredible


The U.S. 2015 Dietary Advisory Committee is set to drop its recommendation that eggs should be

restricted from the diet. Finally. For many in the alternative medicine community, this "revelation"

that eggs are not harmful is not new news. Eggs concerns revolved around the proinflammatory

fats and cholesterol content in eggs, yet at least one review as late as 2013 found no

correlation between egg consumption and coronary heart disease or stroke. Authors surmised that

weak associations have been found between dietary cholesterol influences on serum cholesterol,

and "weak or little association between dietary cholesterol intake and cardiovascular disease risk." It seems that everyone's response to dietary cholesterol is different.


"Moreover, several studies have shown that egg consumption favors the formation of larger LDL and HDL particles, which might enhance protection against atherosclerosis." Eggs actually provide great nutrition when both the yolk and the white are consumed. In fact, you'll miss out on some critical nutrients if you throw that wonderful yolk out. Not only do eggs provide 6 grams of protein, but also all 9 essential

amino acids - leucine, tryptophan, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, histidine, isoleucine, and threonine. A majority of this protein is housed in the egg white, along with modest amounts of potassium, sodium and magnesium. However, the yolk provides an abundance of other water-soluble vitamins and minerals alongside the well-known fats. Egg yolks are particularly rich in choline, an essential nutrient for brain and cell membrane health. Choline is the precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory tasks, attention and mood. It is also a primary compound of phospholipids, maintaining the integrity of cell membranes. An average adult should consume approximately 400 to 500 milligrams of choline each day, and one large egg provides approximately 126 milligrams. Other notable, water-soluble nutrients found within the egg yolk include vitamin B12, folate, selenium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and calcium.

Perhaps, the most notorious, nutritional element of the egg yolk is its rich fat content. Let us not forget that this brainempowering fat also provides the optimal vehicle for carrying fat-soluble vitamins as well. Yes, egg yolks house an abundance of cholesterol, but it is because of this fatty environment that eggs can provide absorbable forms of fat soluble vitamins A, D and E. However, the levels of these nutrients are highly dependent on the diet and lifestyle of the chicken, giving rise to the interest in pasture-raised, organic eggs. With the increasing knowledge of the importance of cholesterol, omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble nutrients in brain, immune and cell health, chicken growers have experimented with supplementing chicken feed with nutrients that would boost omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in egg yolk. The USDA tested numerous eggs in 2010, and found they were 64% higher in vitamin D than eggs tested in 2002

as a result of supplementation. Supplementation - although easier and albeit, more convenient for producers - is not the only answer for obtaining rich fat-soluble nutrients in egg yolks. When chickens are allowed to roam and forage in green pasture, the various grasses encountered can boost the levels of fat-soluble vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, naturally.


Researchers at Penn State University discovered that eggs from pastured hens contained double the amount of total omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, compared to commercial eggs. Additionally, vitamin A concentrations were 38 percent higher. Vitamin A and its derivative, beta-carotene, produce a characteristic yellow-orange color which explains why egg yolks from pastured eggs often have a richer colored yolk.

For the average consumer attempting to gain the best nutrition from their food choices, something as simple as purchasing a carton of eggs can turn into a whirlwind of confusion and questions. Countless labels and ambiguous definitions can frustrate even the most experienced shopper. Cage-free is becoming a frequently encountered label and just means the chickens are free to roam in an enclosed area with unlimited access to food and fresh water. Free-range, on the other hand, implies the same conditions, and access to the outdoors. Access can be a small barn hatch, and the outdoor area mayor may not be fenced or netted. Natural means minimally processed with no artificial ingredients, but this label and that of no added hormones is a misnomer because in the poultry industry, these ingredients are not permitted due to federal regulations. 100 percent vegetarian fed implies the chickens have not been fed animal byproducts, a common practice in the commercial poultry industry. Pasture-raised and humanely raised are not

regulated, so these claims could vary widely. Finally, organic eggs are from hens that eat a vegetarian diet free of synthetic pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics, and genetically modified ingredients. Access to the outdoors is also mandated for the organic certification; however, the amount of time outdoors and the size of the roaming area are not specified.


For those purchasing eggs from the grocery store, a quick education of these various labels is necessary; however, the best way to ensure the purchase of fresh, nutrient-rich eggs would be to purchase them from the local farmer. It is still pertinent to ask questions regarding feed and housing, but most farmers will readily provide that information and perhaps even give you a personal tour so you can meet the chickens and feel good about the eggs you are eating



Food for Sight

Let nature help you prevent vision loss with its offering of foods and herbs that benefit your eyesight.

Spinach is full of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect your retina from the macular

degeneration that comes with age. Don't forget: fat increases lutein absorption, so remember to saute your spinach in a little olive oil. Carrots, loaded with vitamin A, are also a great help to your eyes. Bilberry, a cousin of blueberry, boosts blood flow to eye nerves and is also rich in antioxidants.

There are many herbs currently on the market that have been traditionally used in Chinese medicine to

improve vision. Wolfberry, also known popularly as goji berry, is used to strengthen the eyesight. It is

also filled with carotenoids. Chrysanthemum flower can reduce pressure buildup in the eye. Peppermint is a traditional treatment for clearing the vision, as well as a rich source of antioxidants. Taking vitamin Edaily can cut the risk of cataract by half. If these herbs are unavailable, they can also be taken in the form of supplements. Always consult your physician before beginning any new health program


Eyesight Fitness

These exercises, designed and used for patients at the Tao of Wellness Center, are helpful for

maintaining and improving your vision. Try to do these exercises first thing in the morning and just before bed. Another good time is when your eyes feel tired, such as right after computer use. Make sure that your hands are clean and that you are relaxed in body and mind. The key to progress is practicing regularly, preferably every single day.


1. Warming the Eyes: Rub your palms together to create heat, and then place them against your eyes for five seconds. Repeat this three times.


2. Pressing the Rim of the Valley: Use both thumbs and press slowly from the inside outward along the

upper rim of the eye sockets. Then switch to both index fingers and press along the lower rim of the eye

sockets from the inside outward. Repeat three times.


3. Rolling the Marble: Press the back of your thumbs gently against the eyeballs; slowly roll up and down

12 times. Then slowly roll from side to side 12 times.


4. Turning the Wheels of Fortune: Place the thumb knuckles at both temple areas and massage in

circular motion three times. Repeat the same actions above the mid-point of the eyebrows at the

forehead, then below the eyes on both sides of the bridge of the nose.


5. Staring at the Light: hold an object out in front of you as far as possible. Focus your eyes on the object

while slowly moving the object closer until it is six inches from your nose. Then focus on the object as

you move it slowly away from you. Repeat this three times and relax briefly in between.


6. Spinning the Basketball: With your eyes open, roll eyes clockwise, then counter-clockwise three times

each. Try to look into the sockets of your eyes as much as possible.


7. Taking a Nap on the Job: Put your head back, close your eyes, and relax for three minutes.

Additionally, take care of your eyes by avoiding irritants, eye fatigue, and strong sunlight


Big Brain Shake:



2 cups berries

30 grams protein powder

1-3 Tablespoons fish oil

Purified water



1· cups berries

20 grams protein powder

1-3 Tablespoons fish oil

Purified water


House Plants for Health

Plants play an integral role in improving the essence of our lives - the air we breathe! House plants do much more than decorate our home and office! The new carpet, linens, home furnishings or dry cleaning bring the chemicals used on the products into our living space. The volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) add to the air pollution in our homes, even when you can't smell them anymore. VOCs pollute the air enough to irritate your respiratory tract - causing headaches, sinus congestion, and fatigue, depression and much more. NASA has proven that houseplants are an antidote to many household substances that debilitate our air quality, health and lead to illness and disease. Plants absorb the VOCs, break them down, and eat them for food.

What Plants and Where?

Two or three plants (8-inch -10-inch pots) for every 100 sq. ft. will help clean that zones breathing air. If you double it, then it will become healthier in about a week. A breathing zone is about 6 - 8 cubic feet around a person - when remaining for several hours, such as a desk, computer, sleeping, or TV

area. Interior plants, along with their associated, micro flora reduce levels of noxious gases from indoor air including formaldehyde, benzene, ozone, carbon monoxide, trichloroethylene, and xylene. Many businesses in the U.S. and internationally are beginning to utilize plants for their air cleaning abilities. Studies by Dr. Bill Wolverton at NASA's Space Center proved that plants are highly effective, non-energy using air purifiers. "Plants stabilize relative humidity in the office and home, reduce the incidences of flu, improve

human comfort and actually improve worker productivity in work places", says Dr. Virginia Lohr at WSU. Newest results from Dr. Lohr's research proved that the accumulation of interior dust can be reduced by as much as 20% by adding foliage plants. Furthermore, the relationship between plants and interior air quality is an important area to address, particularly concerning human health.


Dust With Plants!

 Dusting your office with plants - cuts operating costs and employee sick leave. That's the recommendation from the "Plants for Clean Air Council", based on research from Washington State University. Placing plants around all types of office equipment actually reduces dust levels in the computer lab, office or home. Dust can be very harmful to computer hard drives as well as copiers, fax machines, and humans! An experiment conducted by Washington State University in the computer lab, where 5% of the room was filled with plants, dust was lower than in their absence. Because computer hard drives can be destroyed by excessive dust, increased particulate matter (dust) was a special concern. The results demonstrated that the plants were not contributing to dust, instead, they were significantly lower than when they were absent. The plants occupied only 5% of the room - located around the periphery of the office. NASA studied the benefits of plants for use in future space stations and closed environments. Properly designed indoor plants can provide an inexpensive, refreshingly low tech means of removing air pollutants. Indoor air is polluted from the various fibers (carpet, fabrics, wall coverings) and solvents (wallboard, paints, varnishes, furniture) we use to build and decorate our homes and offices. NASA says, two potted plants per 100 square feet of floor space will help to clean and refresh the air in the average home or office, more is healthier! To conclude, it is only logical that one should not use toxic chemicals on plants in the environment of humans.


A simple reference guide for several common chemicals is below. Virtually every tropical indoor plant and many flowering plants are powerful removers of indoor air pollutants. Below is a chart of the plants in the NASA study that most effectively removed pollutants from the air. Chemical Source in Home

Formaldehyde: foam insulation, plywood, particle board, clothes, carpet, furniture, paper goods, household cleaners, water repellents. Cleansing Plants: Azalea, Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, Spider plant, Golden pothos, Bamboo palm, Corn plant, Chrysanthemum, Mother-in-Iaw's tongue, and Poinsettia.


Chemical Source in Home

Benzene: tobacco smoke, gasoline, synthetic fibers, plastics, inks, oils, and detergents.


Cleansing Plants: English Ivy, Marginata, Janet Craig' dracaena, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera daisy, Warneckei dracaena, and Peace lily.


Chemical Source in Home

Trichloroethylene: dry cleaning, inks, paints, varnishes, lacquers, and adhesives.


Cleansing Plants: Gerbera daisy, Chrysanthemum, Peace lily, Warneckei, and Marginata.



Meditate by Rick Hanson

Meditation is to the mind what aerobic exercise is to the body. Like exercise, there are many good ways to do it and you can find the one that suits you best. Meditation is the quintessential training of attention.

Since attention is like a vacuum cleaner - sucking its contents into your brain through what's called "experience-dependent neuroplasticity" - getting better control of your attention is the foundation of changing your brain, and thus your life, for the better


1. Relax. Rest. Intend to meditate.


2. Find something to anchor attention, such as the sensations of breathing, a work or phrase (e.g., "peace"), or an image.


3. Start by giving attention fully to the anchor, letting go of everything else.


4. Then, with an ongoing awareness of your "anchor," let your attention widen to include your body, thoughts, feelings and overall atmosphere of your mind.


5. Gently open to relaxing and quieting and breathing in peace.


6. Meditate for as long as you like. Even one minute is good - and ten, twenty, or even forty-five minutes could be even better.



Lighten Up by Rick Hanson

On the path of life, most of us are hauling way too much weight. Too many To Do's, too much stuff, too many entanglements, "shoulds," worries, guilts, and regrets. All the extra physical and mental stuff you lug

around complicates your life, weighs you down, and keeps you stuck. There's enough weightiness in life as it is without adding more. Dropping loads enables lightening up, so start to lay your burdens down,

and rarely pick up new ones.


1. Start small by clearing out one closet of things you no longer want or need. Notice the sense of lightness in dropping things you don't need.


2. Look at your obligations. Decide what you could stop doing, and let it go, whether others pick it up or not.


3. Consider your relationships. Which ones feel weighty and encumbered? Could you step back, stop engaging in gossip and negativity, or stop performing roles such as problem-solving, quasitherapist,

dating advisor?


4. Take a look at your mind. What weighs it down? Guilt, anxiety,perfectionistic standards, passivity, doubt, taking yourself too seriously? For a brief period of time - half an hour, half a day - totally drop it. Ride that great wave of relief and lightness and continue dropping those lead weights in your mind.


Overall: if in doubt, throw it out. Play with feeling lighter in your body. As if you are lifted up by invisible helium balloons. Lighter in your step. Your head lighter on your shoulders. Lighter in your heart.


Paleo and Mediterranean Diets Lower Cancer Risk

The Paleo and Mediterranean diets are often talked about for their health promoting benefits. Both are considered to have been used by various populations for many years. The longevity of use of the Paleo and Mediterranean diets has been one of the primary reasons that many still look to these diets when making food choices. Diets that have been around for this length of time certainly should not be overlooked as they seem to have something unique about them that warrant a closer look.


Paleo YES Foods: vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, fish & seafood, oils, nuts & seeds

Paleo NO Foods: potatoes, legumes, whole grains, dairy, sugar, salt, processed foods


Paleo and Mediterranean Diets Concept

The Paleo and Mediterranean diets are not that dissimilar. Each has its own individual characteristics that make it unique. For example, the Mediterranean diet allows for the inclusion of grains. This is not a part of the Paleo Diet. In contrast, the Paleo Diet can be modified to be higher in fat or higher in vegetables. Yet with each of their differences, there is one common thread in the Paleo and Mediterranean diets that makes them very similar and allows them to offer some of the same health promoting benefits. This similarity is that they focus on food that is nutrient dense and not processed. The food of these diets is what our body demands. It provides the essential elements such as vitamins, mineral and healthy fats that are missing from the standard American Diet. In short, the foods of the Paleo and Mediterranean diets reduce the occurrence of disease, unlike foods of the standard American Diet which promote disease. Paleo and Mediterranean Diets Validated Many might argue that the Paleo and Mediterranean diets are fads. To those individuals I would ask, "Is eating real food that can support overall health a fad?" Of course it is not. Each of us knows that eating food that is nutrient dense is always a better choice that eating the refined option. But rather than be dogmatic about the issue, let us take a look at the science. After all, that is what the critics and skeptics are really asking for. They want to see validation that the Paleo

and Mediterranean diets have evidence behind them and are not just opinion. Being more of a science minded individual, I can certainly appreciate this point. So with that said, let me refer to the latest article published on the Paleo and Mediterranean diets.


No doubt one of the scariest labels that anyone can be given is cancer. Cancer can be a paralyzing term and can take hold of every aspect of our health from the physical to the emotional. We all know that when possible, the best way to manage a condition is to prevent it. Professional organizations such as the American Cancer Society support the

consumption of vegetables and fruits as part of a healthy diet. The use of these foods in the forms that nature provided to use what supports long term health and lowers cancer risk. This can be Seen with the outcome of a recent study showing that the Paleo and Mediterranean diets may be similar in their ability to lower the incidence of sporadic colon cancer. (Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Oct 17.) Additionally, it is also worth noting that if these diets can be used to reduce cancer risk, they can also be used to support an individual's health during cancer as well as in non-cancerous situations. Paleo and Mediterranean diets Reign Supreme


The Paleo and Mediterranean diets have stood the test of time as dietary patterns for entire populations. Now with investigation of these diets for modern populations, these diets are beginning to show their benefits in our modern environment. The study mentioned focused on the preventative nature of the Paleo and Mediterranean diets in one form of cancer, ie. colon cancer. However, the benefits of these diets extends not just into prevention of other forms of cancer, but other types of disease as well such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Is there a better dietary pattern to adopt? Not likely. You will be hard pressed to find anyone that would recommend consuming refined foods that are laden with chemicals as a preferred alternative to those that are dense in nutrients and support our body's natural functions.

-By Dr. Arland Hill

To learn more about the Paleo Lifestyle please visit Dr. Hill's website The Paleo Doctor



The Heart Hears More Than Just Words

The lack of feeling heard can really put a strain on relationships. This is true whether it’s a couple, a parent and child, best friends, co-workers; any relationship.


Have you ever had a communication with someone only to realize what they said, and what you heard, were totally different? Even the simplest of interactions can get misconstrued if we only listen to the words.

Authentic communication requires both learning to speak from a genuine heart place and learning to listen more deeply. We call it deep heart listening because as we focus in the heart when someone is speaking with us, we can learn to hear more than their words.


Deep heart listening involves hearing on three levels. The words of what is said. The feelings or the emotions behind the words - and the energetic essence of what the words and feelings combined really mean.

Most of us pay close attention to the first level of listening – the actual words being said.


To practice the second level of listening we need to also feel the communication. That’s where we start to understand a person deeper. When listening, try and sense the emotions driving what the other person is saying. (ie: are they frustrated, are they worried, are they excited, etc.)


The third level is the essence of a communication. This is where we can discover the real meaning of what someone is trying to say. To do this we have to slow down what’s going on inside our own mind, put our own emotions in neutral, and remain open to the other person.


Practicing appreciation with others as they’re speaking and making a sincere effort to deep heart listen strengthens the communication bond with each other. Offering this kind of “safe zone” to openly communicate is a way of putting our love into action.



Daily Tapping Session

Karate Chop Point:

I completely love and accept myself.

I totally honor my humanity

I completely love and accept myself ever perfect being me

I am open to be a clear channel of healing and intention

For the highest good of myself and everyone I encounter today


Tapping through the points:

Eyebrow: As I honor my humanity, I allow myself to honor my innate brilliance, my unique self

Side of Eye: and now, in this very moment, I totally open up to more.

Under Eye: I am open and allowing more creativity, inspired ideas and brilliance to flow through me now

Under Nose: into my heart, thoughts, words and actions, effortlessly, beautifully.

Under Lip: I now allow myself to be a clear channel for my healing and the healing of everyone I touch.

Collarbone: As I see, feel and honor my own brilliance, ME, unique in the world and in every moment

Underarm: I feel free to see and connect with the brilliance in everyone and everything.

Top of Head: I love being me. I love being great.


EB: I am alive, new and fresh.

SE: I am clear, open and allowing my brilliance to come forth.

UE: I daily take inspired action on my brilliant inspirations.

UN: I love it when miracles happen to me. I love this feeling. I love co-creating with the Divine

UL: I am open and allowing brilliance, inspiration and miracles to flow today, all day!



Natural Cleaning Solutions


Recipe for Brain and Digestion


Raw Honey

St John’s Wart Flowers

Olive Oil

Cashews (good fat)

Birch Syrup (xylitol)



Nutrition Daily Guidelines


Limit starch to 25% of Diet

Increase Protein

Good Fats 40-45% of diet

60% Raw Foods

80% Alkaline Foods

20% Acidic Foods


Eliminate all SOY


Buy organic only:


Bell Peppers



Imported Grapes



Red Raspberries




Non organic is ok














Sweet Peas


Fountain of Youth – Top Longevity Foods

Super foods and super herbs create an ecosystem in our life that works because they work together in the ecosystem of the world. We energetically and spiritually pick up their energy. It’s always best to grow your own!


Reishi Mushrooms

  • Give an overall feeling of well being

  • Amendable to all body types

  • Order from the internet

  • In a health food store look for Reishi Mycelium Freeze Fried Extract

  • Mushrooms are leading in the area of immunology (the system that detoxifies us)

  • Maitaki Mushrooms

  • Both are tree mushrooms which are not poisonous.



  • Dark, organic, raw, cold-pressed

  • Known as #1 longevity food in the world

  • Great food for the heart

  • Raw cacao butter can be used on the skin

  • Spiritually connects us to our heart

  • for more info

  • 1 cacao bean per 11 lbs. of body weight



  • Great for heart, cardiovascular, growth, failure to thrive, nervous system disorders

  • Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes

  • Fresh green coconuts are best



  • Super adaptagen and aphrodisiac

  • Supportive to the hypothalamus – to balance endocrine system

  • Supports the thyroid

  • Increase metabolism

  • Mix in salad, use in tea or coffee as a creamer

  • Maca, coconut and chocolate go well together! Yummy and beneficial! Wow!


Gogi Berries

  • Can be soaked in water then drunk if your diet restricts sugar.


  • Honey

  • Buy local and fresh– bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly

  • Natural source of B Vitamins

  • Nutritive

  • Natural source of materials for our DNA and RNA

  • Not recommended for children under the age of 1



  • Blue Green works for some not all

  • Spirulina is suggested if you live in a hot, dry, jungle, tropical climate

  • Chlorella is suggested if you live in a cooler climate


Marine Phyto Plankton

  • Immunological

  • Bioavailable protein source

  • Super tonic

  • Contains every known mineral

  • Can be purchased as a powder or in a whole, liquid concentrate from Ocean’s Alive


Aloe Vera

  • Connective tissue, skin, liver, digestive health, anti-inflammatory, intestinal gas

  • Use the gel on the inside of the plant leaf – start with small amounts or stay near a bathroom


Noni Fruit

  • Similar in chemical composition to Aloe

  • When eating the fresh fruit mix it with citrus

  • Most beneficial form other than fresh is powder


Hemp Seed

  • Complete source of protein

  • Anti-inflammatory (omega 6 and 3)

  • Blood protein albumin ( super transporter in blood)



  • Calcium



  • Protein

  • Horsetail and Nettles provide the materials to aid bone density


Asparagus Root

  • Super tonic

  • Adaptogen

  • Anti-cancer

  • Grow for 3 years then pull up roots


Yerba Mate

  • Great replacement for coffee

  • Appetite suppressant

  • Delivery system for other herbs



  • Will clot blood instantly

  • Cardiovascular system

  • Heart health

  • Sulphur for skin, hair, nails, pancreas and liver

  • Any hot chili works just as well



  • Pulls nutrients in from the atmosphere

  • It’s an orchid

  • Works on the endocrine system and charkas

  • Balances the properties of chocolate

  • Raw, organic, powdered vanilla called Tahitian Vanilla


Pau D’arco and Cat’s Claw

  • Viral/fungal


When was the Last Time You Walked Barefoot?

“I want to start off by talking about the barefoot revolution,” David says.


“If there is a local park or a beach nearby where you can easily get your shoes off and take a walk, this is really powerful in terms of helping you deal with inflammation of your ankles, knees, hips, and, I would say, even lower back.


A lot of back problems, a lot of postural problems, are caused by wearing shoes that throw out our posture in different directions, and they also make your toes limp. Your toes lose their ability to grip. They lose their strength by the wearing of shoes.”


Most shoes emulate a cast in that they do not allow your foot to articulate properly.


In terms of inflammation, shoes also block the beneficial electromagnetic radiation of the earth, which actually has an anti-inflammatory effect. According to David, about 30 studies performed by Clint Ober over the past 12 years reveal this.


“The studies indicate we can just touch the earth with our bare feet or our bare skin; sit down on the grass, and the earth actually releases anti-inflammatory electromagnetic radiation,” David says. “This helps to draw out inflammation, in particular of your lower extremities: your feet, our ankles, knees, and hips.”


My own understanding of this phenomenon is that it’s not caused so much by the electromagnetic radiation but rather from the transfer of free electrons from the earth; a grounding effect that is, in my understanding, one of the most potent antioxidants we know of.


Unfortunately, few people ever walk barefoot anymore to experience it.


According to David, it takes about 80 minutes for the free electrons from the earth to reach your blood stream and transform your blood.


“This is what Clint’s research has been showing,” David says.


“We actually did this at the Longevity Conference. We showed, within an hour and 20 minutes, how people’s blood profiles changed and improved just based on being grounded for an hour and 20 minutes.”


Walking barefoot can also help ameliorate the constant irritation caused by EMFs and other types of radiation on your system from cell phones, computers and Wi-Fi on your system. By getting outside, barefoot, touching the earth, and allowing the excess charge in your body to discharge into the earth, you can alleviate some of the stress put on your system.


That is the grounding effect.


Walking barefoot outside and breathing fresh air are grossly neglected foundational health principles, as is having large amounts of your skin exposed to natural sunlight so you can optimize your vitamin D, which is another crucial component for treating inflammation.


Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

There are also several powerful anti-inflammatory supplements that can have immediate use. Here are a few of David’s favorites:


MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – Its ability to neutralize inflammation is one of the greatest, and one of the most inexpensive, discoveries in this field.


MSM has been shown to break down the calcification that is frequently associated with chronic inflammation. In your arteries, it’s called plaque, which leads to heart disease. These plaques are the root cause of inflammation.


“MSM helps dissolve these calcified deposits, turning it into calcium sulfate and making it soluble so your body can excrete it,”David explains.


“The dosage of MSM has to be, in the beginning, maybe 2,500 mg per day. But really, you need to get up to 5,000 mg or 7,500 mg, and allow it to work over a period of months.


But don’t ever want to start anything at a very high dosage. Move into it gently.


I have a good friend of mine who is now taking 30,000 mg of MSM for his rheumatoid arthritis, and that is the dosage he needs in order to feel complete relief of his pain.”


Keep in mind that there may be side effects because MSM can detoxify you, and that may initially aggravate any condition you have. So increase dosage slowly to allow your body to adjust.


It’s also important to note that if you’re allergic to sulfa drugs, you may also have trouble with MSM because it is a type of sulfur.


MSM is not a drug however. It is a natural compound that exists in all trees and many plants. MSM is highly concentrated in aloe vera, for example, so you can also use natural aloe vera products that contain MSM in its natural form.


As with most supplements, quality is a concern when it comes to MSM as well. David recommends using wood pulp or tree-derived MSM.


Vitamin C — A tremendous antioxidant, vitamin C is also anti-inflammatory, and is vital for rebuilding collagen and connective tissue. David recommends taking your MSM and vitamin C together if possible. Your best bet is to use a natural plant-based or botanical vitamin C supplement, such as acerola cherry, rosehip, or camu berry.


Keep in mind that high doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea, so again, you’ll want to start slowly and work your way up to about 3,000 mg per day. Certain newer supplements also use liposomal delivery systems that can increase their bioavailability.


Medicinal mushrooms – These include reishi mushrooms, cordyceps, Agaricus blazei and chaga mushrooms. According to David, medicinal mushrooms can help boost your immune system to break up longstanding infections.


There are also mushroom products available as powders that you can add to smoothies, protein shakes, tea and other beverages.


Mangosteen – Organic mangosteen rind is another superior antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. The rind of mangosteen has been used in traditional medicinal systems in Southeast Asia, all the way into Indonesia, since the beginning of recorded history.


Interestingly, it specifically treats the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.


I have personally treated thousands of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, so this is an area I have a lot of experience with. Nearly all patients with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis are deficient in vitamin D, so optimizing your vitamin D levels is also an essential part of treating this condition.


In addition, rheumatoid arthritis nearly always has an emotional component. Addressing and resolving these emotional wounds is therefore another vital part of the process.


In my experience, energy psychology tools such as the Emotional Freedom Technique is one of the most effective strategies to address this underlying emotional component, and will work synergistically with herbal- or supplemental therapies.


Sometimes, unless you address the basics, such as your emotions, the herbs and vitamins won’t do much good. But once you include such simple basics as getting regular sun exposure and addressing your emotions, in addition to whatever supplements you choose, you can at times end up with what appears to be a miracle.


Astaxanthin – A seafood component extracted from algae, astaxanthin provides three unusual health benefits:

1. Preventing sunburn (4mg dose)

2. Eliminating cataracts and age-related macular degeneration

3. Protection against radiation damage when flying in an airplane


It’s a bit pricey, but can be extremely effective. A less expensive alternative is krill oil, which also contains astaxanthin, in addition to essential omega-3 fatssuch as eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA).


Cooling Inflammatory Conditions with Raw Foods

“Inflammation, of course, is “in flame” or “on fire,”” David explains, and there are also a large number of raw foods that can help “cool” the inflammatory response.


“One of my favorite tools to do that is vegetable juicing, particularly celery and cucumber juices.


Celery is very rich in electrolytes. It has a cooling effect on your body, which is really an anti-inflammatory effect. Cucumber does as well.


A simple juice is celery and cucumber. There is no sugar and it’s an instant ‘turn-on’ for energy. It also has an instant drawing effect of toxins out of your system due to the chlorophyll present in the celery.” Fennel is another cooling plant suitable for juicing.


Fennel juice is specifically implicated for headaches and migraines.


Dill is related to fennel, and both are very beneficial for producing breast milk in nursing women.


Source: David Wolfe, Nutritionist


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For those desiring or needing to break away from coffee try Guuayaki Yerba Mate tea.



Loneliness increases the desire for sugar. Sugar feeds on the spirt of lack. It is harmful to the body on so many levels. It extracts important nutrients and drains calcium from the bones. Sugar is addictive. Sugar is one molecule away from crack. It is more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. It is a legal drug. JUST SAY NO!


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Crying purifies and cleanses. I once read about a scientific experiment which demonstrated that there are 38 toxic chemicals in a tear of sadness, while only one toxin exists in a tear of joy. As you cry in sadness, fear, or confusion, you cleanse the body and spirit of toxins which cloud the mind and prevent it from accepting the truth. Iyana

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